If you look up any random encyclopedia, it’ll tell you Bengalis are known to overpopulate the Bengal region. “Bangla” is the second most spoken language in India after Hindi. And prior to 1971 the Bengalis of Pakistan composed 55% of the total population of the Pakistani Union. Even in Pakistan today there are around 2 million or more Bengalis (I may be wrong) residing there, some from the time of East Pakistan and most of them from current Bangladesh. Bengalis are the largest ethnic group in the Indian subcontinent. But how is that possible?
In the Deliberation of Samiha Esha blog, Samiha throughly explained that arranged marriages is the main reason for the Bengal to be densely populated. In America and in the rest of the West, a person usually has to find someone for himself or herself. However in the East, a person will get married no matter what; it’s not always true but it happens to most people. In the Bengali community and in the rest of the Indian subcontinent, love is ignored and honor, authority, and power is more favored in the foundation of marriages which forms alliances between families. The male spouse usually says yes, but the female partner usually has a hard time accepting the marriage despite pressure from her family. In the Bengali society marriage is one of the most important factors of a person’s life, especially for females. Since a girl’s teenage years, her mother will be discussing her marriage and plan for the great day.
Arranged marriages in the Bengali community and in other Desi communities has caused a massive exponential growth throughout the centuries in the Indian subcontinent. When the bride and groom tie the knot under expectations of their families, they get all the privacy they need. When they are together privately it’s in their human instinct to get their groove on in bed; they get to have all the sex they want. Until modern times Desis did not familiarize themselves with contraceptives unlike the Europeans and other civilizations. With the lack of contraceptives comes a lot of offspring. In my case my father has 7 brothers and 3 sisters plus himself; on my maternal side my mother has 7 sisters and 1 brother. Yeah I know, my grandparents just didn’t know when to say no.
Another reason that Bengalis are high in numbers is the Ganges Delta. The delta provides surplus food available to the population that surrounds it. With surplus food, people tend to reproduce more and more. The Ganges Delta is under the Muslim-controlled territory of the Bengal that’s why there are more Muslim Bengalis than there are Hindu Bengalis.
Bengali population has surpassed all other Desis in numbers; therefore, even without the Bangladeshis the numbers of West Bengalis of India have made Bangla the second most spoken language in the country.
INDIA'S ETHNIC, LINGUISTIC, AND REGIONAL complexity sets it apart from other nations. To gain even a superficial understanding of the relationships governing the huge number of ethnic, linguistic, and regional groups .